Fastest team with a qualifying run wins.
Teams of three.
Time will start with 3,2,1, Go, with all team members standing on the start mat.
Time will end when all 3 team members are back on the start mat.
Judges will inspect after time has stopped.



Standards for a qualifying run. 10 sec. penalty for any

deviation from standards:

3 Standard + 1 Gate; Panels

-All pins must be properly engaged/dropped
-Gate panel must be parallel and closest to limit line

-The panels must be set close to a square shape -Stall must appear NEAT

4 Stall Mats

-Must be set with 4 corners touching at close to center of pen(standard “tile” pattern).
-Sides of mats adjacent to other mats must not be more than one inch apart. Try for no gaps

-No portion of mats can be on top of another mat

9 Feed Sacks

-Stacks must be NEAT
-Must be in 3 stacks of 3 bags on top of each other.
-All 3 sacks per stack must be the same.
-All 3 sacks must be lined up with the same orientation.

-No portion of the top two bags can touch the ground.